Thursday, March 21, 2013

Stones Rolled Away - Easter Candy

Easter stone dessert
Peanut Butter Balls rolled in cookies & pretzels
 to celebrate Jesus' resurrection
So you may have noticed that Easter is coming. And if you have spent anytime on Pinterest you have seen all sorts of bunnies, eggs and spring colored goodies. But what I noticed is that there isn't really many desserts that have to do with Jesus' death and resurrection, the reason my family celebrates Easter. There are chocolate crosses in the stores but I wanted something we could make. Last year the kids and I did Resurrection Rolls but this year I thought it would be fun to create something of our own. I took my mother's peanut butter balls recipe and created what I like to call "stones rolled away."

Stones Rolled Away:
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. butter
5 c. powdered sugar
12 oz dipping chocolate
10 chocolate sandwich cookies (oreos), crushed (I used the ones with chocolate cream in middle)
1/2 c. crushed pretzels

Mix peanut butter, butter and powdered sugar. Roll into balls and stick toothpick in each one. Place on cookie sheet close together. Freeze overnight or at least several hours. The kids helped me with this part.
Peanut Butter Balls
Melt dipping chocolate in a double boiler (or microwave), you might need to add some oil to it, if it's thick or gloppy (we did). Remove balls from freezer and dip in chocolate. You want to make sure you have everything ready before you pull these out of the freezer or they thaw to much and the toothpick falls out. (I know this from personal experience).
Roll in crushed cookies and pretzels, mixed together (I actually placed it in the bowl and used a spoon to cover with the cookie mixture). Place on wax paper. This part isn't as kid friendly because of the hot melted chocolate but you could have an older child help with covering with the cookie mixture (mine was at school).
Cookie Pretzel Coating

When harden remove toothpick.

Makes 55-60.

Stones Rolled Away

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you how these tasted!  They were really good and I'm not even a huge peanut butter fan.  My family, which loves peanut butter, gobbled them up!

For printable recipe and nutritional recipe click:

Do you have any fun Easter goodies you make?

Check out our link parties here.


  1. Oh my goodness if only I could have peanut butter in this house! Second thought, I'm pretty sure this would work with sunflower butter or almond butter!

  2. I bet it would. I thought about using nutella since I like it better than peanut butter but it's thinner and I figured it would be way sweet. Anyways, let me know how it turns out if you used one of those.

  3. Thanks for sharing! The recipe sounds delicious, and this would be great for Easter.

  4. I luvvvvv peanut butter. ;-) Thanks for sharing at Family Fun Friday!

  5. We are HUGE peanut butter fans in my home. I think the kids will LOVE these. Thanks for sharing at what i am eating!

  6. Thank you all, we are happy to share.
    @Heather My kids are huge peanut butter fans (actually so is my husband) so I make peanut butter treats often and the fact that's it's not my fav keeps me from eating to many. :)

  7. What a brilliant idea! I always love being able to make something that has to do with the REAL meaning of Easter too. Bravo for you! These are great - thanks for sharing at Weekend Potluck.

  8. Congrats! I'm featuring this cool recipe at Weekend Potluck today as my personal favorite. C'mon over and snag a featured button. Happy Easter to you and yours!

  9. Oh, this is so awesome, and looks so yummy! Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent. Have a Happy and Blessed Easter.
