Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Tags *Printable*

Don't forget about Jamie's Birthday Giveaway! Go enter to win a gift card. Easy to enter; fun to win. And even if you don't care about winning go wish her Happy Bday. She's turning the big 30!!!

Now on to today's post:

Mother's Gift Tag

I volunteered to be in charge of getting a small mother's day gift for the ladies at my church. I'm still working out all the details of the gifts and even when I figure it out, I'm not sure I want to ruin the surprise by posting it on here.
But I did want to share these cute little gift tags I made to go with them. I wanted to include some of the names mothers are called and some of the other hats they wear like nurse, chef, teacher and friend.

Printable Gift Tags
You can find the tutorial for making these flowers here.

Print off as many as you need for your Mother's Day needs. There are 8 to a page.

Check out our link parties here


  1. I'm pinning this! Thanks for sharing this free printable.

    Thanks so much for joining in with the Say G'Day Saturday Linky Party. Hope you can link up again this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. Thanks Natasha! Linked up again.
