Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Garden Update and Some Tips

My garden has come along pretty well. I've been super busy lately so it hasn't been watered as well as I'd like. But I'm pretty sure everything will recover quickly, just a few yellow leaves. I planted zucchini and yellow squash after I got back from Denver. The zucchini hasn't done as well as I'd like, but I think they will come along soon enough. I had to replace one plant because the sun scorched and killed it.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

 The yellow squash has taken off!

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

My cherry tomato plants are loaded and are beginning to ripen.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

My larger tomato plants have tomatoes on them, but it will be a while before they are ready.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

The strawberry plants have gone crazy! I've been getting a handful of strawberries about every day.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

I planted green onions from the bulb left from what I bought at the store. They have done well, and it's nice to just go out and cut green onions when you need them. I haven't weeded in a while, so they are hiding a bit amongst the weeds.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

My bell pepper plant is starting to get blooms.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

I already harvested some lettuce and I've planted more.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

The basil is doing very well. I've harvested a bunch. It's nice not to spend an arm and a leg to buy fresh basil.

Update on Garden by Coffee With Us 3 #gardening

I was at a friends house this weekend. They were showing me their garden. It was way ahead of mine. They already have zucchini to pick. Their basil was starting to bloom. I thought I'd pass along the tip I gave them. You want to pinch off the little top part that will become a bloom. The basil will taste better and it will produce more. Also when you are ready to harvest some, look at the stems. There will be place where the stem will go straight up and a branch will come out on each side. Clip the middle stem. The two side ones will grow way bigger.

If you clip more than you need at that time, you can just stick them in a glass with water. They will keep for quite a while. If you put basil in the refrigerator, it will taste funny and wilt quickly.

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