Thursday, August 15, 2013

Not Back to School!...yet {My Summer Printable}

I keep seeing a bunch of back to school stuff.  Am I the only one who wants to live in denial for a little bit longer?  We still have more than a week before school starts and most of our school supplies already bought, so it's fine to still live in the glory of summer, right?

We've had a great summer around here (personally at my house and here at the blog). It's fun to look back at all the good times and I think it's a good thing for kids too.  Maybe that's why teachers do the whole "what I did this summer thing."

I thought it would be fun to do one of those around here too before we even head back to school.  To remember all the fun we had and what all we have to be thankful for.  So I created this little printable for my kids to fill out.

I left off lines so my little ones could draw pictures but I will ask my oldest to write his out.  I will update this post with pictures of theirs once I get ink to print them off so they can fill them out.  If you homeschool, this might be a fun way to start your school year.

Print from below or click here to print.

Hope you have fun looking back at your summer with your kids!

Follow us on Pinterest: Coffee With Us 3

Some of our Summer Highlights:


Check out our link parties here.

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