Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Expectant Prince

Two weeks was a big week for England.  A new prince was born.  As I drove to see Lucy one morning, I heard people on Air1 talk about how all the world is waiting to hear if the new prince or princess had been born.  Although we left England for freedom, our country still cares about heirs to the throne.  It was most of what was on the morning news that week.  We waited to hear if it was a boy or girl.  We waited to see the Duke and Duchess present him to the world. We waited to hear what they had chosen as a name. We all waited with great anticipation.

The Expectant Prince by Coffee With Us 3 #thought #Prince

It struck me that the birth of the Prince of Peace and King of all Kings was very different.  No one on earth except His parents were excited about His birth.  No one anxiously awaited to hear what they named Him.  He didn't have private quarters to be born.  It was quite a humble and quiet birth.  But heaven was excited with anticipation. They knew it would be a boy.  They knew He would be named Jesus.  They were excited.

I love how the birth of Prince George of Cambridge gives us a picture of heaven.  And a picture of the anticipation we should have in the return of the Prince of Peace.

The Expectant Prince by Coffee With Us 3 #thought #Prince

There was a group of people who were anticipating the birth of the Prince of Peace, but because He wasn't what they were expecting they missed it.  What in our lives have we missed because God answered a prayer in a way we weren't expecting? I'm sure I've missed a few things.  I pray that I will be more open to the blessings He has for me from now on. 

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