Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

I lived and worked on a guest ranch in the high country of Colorado when I was in my twenties. I loved it up there. Very few people lived out there and it was so nice. In the summer, we ran as a dude ranch. And in the winter, we ran as a bed & breakfast and did snowmobile tours.
I learned a ton while working there. I did a little of most everything. My title was office manager, but I also worked in kitchen, housekeeping, feeding animals, and so much more. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen.
A bunch of my recipes come from working there (Cowboy Cookies and The World's Best BBQ Ribs). I also learned to meal plan from working there. We had the same menu every week. Since we had different guest each week, no one cared except maybe the staff.

One of the things I learned to make while at the ranch was bisque.  They made Roasted Red Pepper Bisque.  I had never had bisque before living at the ranch.  I loved it.  It's creamy with great flavor but not spicy at all.

Roasted Red Pepper Bisque by Coffee With Us 3 #recipes

Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

6 red peppers, roasted  
1 small onion, diced
3 celery stalks, thinly sliced
2 carrots thinly sliced
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup white wine
4 cups heavy cream
4 cups chicken stock
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

To roast peppers – wash, rub with oil, salt & pepper. Place on cookie sheet and bake at 500º till skins are roasted. Place in bowl and cover with plastic wrap to steam skin – this makes peeling them easier. Peel after 15 minutes.
Sauté onion, celery, and carrots in oil for about 5 minutes or until soft and onions are translucent. Add wine and reduce liquid by half. Add chopped roasted red peppers, chicken stock and cream.
Slow boil soup for at least ½ hour, longer is better. Put soup in a blender and puree, put it through a fine sieve. Adjust your seasonings. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.

For a printable recipe, click the magic button

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