Tuesday, February 12, 2013

About Us

Coffee with us 3 composed of Jamie, Kerry, and Lucy is a group of 3 friends (technically Kerry and Lucy are also sisters) who grew up in Idaho together.   Now Lucy lives in Texas while Kerry and Jamie are still in Idaho but even across the miles they have stayed friends.  We decided to start this blog to share ideas, recipes, crafts, and more to encourage each other and all who stop by to read our posts.  We don’t have it all figured out; we are learning, growing, and figuring out how to best do life with our families.  We hope you join us.  Brew a cup of coffee (or tea, or cocoa, or whatever you drink) and hang out with us awhile.  


I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 year old Miss Magoo, 1 1/2 year old Little Man, and a baby girl due in August.  I love reading, doing crafts, drinking coffee, baking, and I've recently taken up sewing.  As a family, we spend most of our time outdoors, hiking, biking, and even just walking around our neighborhood. 


I have the privilege of being a housewife. I married my wonderful husband in 2010.  I love to cook, and I cook nearly every dinner from scratch and rarely use a frozen or box meal.  I'm rather analytical and like to use a recipe.  I'm trying to branch out and create my own recipes.  I bake some but not nearly as much as I cook.  I also like photography and gardening.  I'm not a very creative person.  So I'm sure none of the craft posts will come from me.

In the summer, I spend most of my time gardening and visiting Yellowstone.  Jamie and I live only about 3 hours from Yellowstone.  My husband and I visit several times each year.  We enjoy seeing the beauty of God's creation.  


I hate describing myself.  I never know what to say.  Instead of filling this spot with descriptive titles like wife, mother (of 4!), Jesus follower, I feel like I should take this opportunity to give you a warning or disclaimer just so you know what you’re getting into.
Warning: Sometimes I get a little wordy and ramble (this usually only happens when I write, since I can be a little shy in person); I get really excited about really small things; I also tend to stress or worry about really small stupid stuff.  I’m a goofball who loves to laugh, but I also cry really easily.  I tend to be a little (or a lot) sarcastic, and I live in a circus (not a literal one but with 4 under 8 it feels like one); I’m not an expert on ANYTHING, and disasters occur around here often. 
Ok, now I feel much better and you can’t say you haven’t been warned. 

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