Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Greek Yogurt Berry Mug Cake

I'll admit it I have a major sweet tooth.  I love candy, cookies and brownies. But I'm also trying to eat healthier and lose a little weight. So keeping these things in my house really isn't a good idea.  But I also don't want to deny myself an occasional treat, especially if I can make it a bit healthier.  I wanted to create something with fruit and   maybe some Greek yogurt for added protein but it still had to satisfy my sweet tooth.  This is what I came up with

Greek Yogurt Berry Mug Cake
2 T frozen mixed berries
3 T blueberry Greek yogurt
2 1/2 T flour
2 T + 1t brown sugar
1/8 t salt
1/4 t baking powder
1/4 t cinnamon
dash nutmeg (optional)
1 T water

Place frozen berries in bottom of mug (these are kind of hard to measure so I normally just cover the bottom of the mug with berries). Microwave on defrost for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.

Top berries with yogurt, then all the dry ingredients, and then water.

Stir really well.  (When you think it's fully mixed you might want to stir again. I've had flour left at the bottom several times).

Microwave on high for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes or until set. (Remember microwave times vary).

So according to my calculations this comes in right under 200 calories and while it has a lot of carbs (it is cake after all), it also has 7 grams of protein.  Hope you enjoy!

You know what? This also makes a great breakfast.  I mean who doesn't want to eat cake for Breakfast? And since it's loaded with protein, it will keep you fuller longer.

For a printable version and nutritional information click
Note they calculate this higher in calories and lower in protein than I did. These would vary depending on the brand of yogurt and other ingredients you use.

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