Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lotion Bars

* This post is part of our March Top 5.  See the rest of the top posts here.*

For Christmas this last year I decided to make a lot of the gifts.  I had fun doing it.  I made hand lotion out of a bar of soap, bath fizzies (all of them didn't work so I sold most of those that worked), and lotion bars.  In the process of making the lotion bars, I had people wanting to buy them. I made so many, but they are pretty easy to make.  I found a recipe that I've really liked and stuck with it.

4 oz coconut oil
4 oz shea butter
4.5 oz beeswax
30 drops of essential or fragrance oil

I am unable to get any of these things except the essential or fragrance oil in Pocatello.  So I ordered them from Amazon. My last batch of beeswax I ordered from Bramble Berry.  It was a little cheaper and they sent a fragrance oil with it for free. I'm not sure if they do that every time or if was just because it was the first time I ordered from them.

The coconut oil I buy, I have to melt before I can get it out of the container.  So I filled the sink with hot water and put the bottle in there for it to melt.  In a double boiler, add water to the bottom of the double boiler and turn the stove to medium.  Add shea butter, beeswax & coconut oil in the top of the double boiler.  Stir until melted.  It takes a while for the beeswax to melt.  Add the essential or fragrance oil.  Some scents need a little more and some need a little less.

Pour oil mixture into a mold.  I ordered one from Amazon.  Mine is a silicone mold for bars but there are so many options.  I have seen people make stars, flowers and hearts.  Allow the oil to cool for about 12 hours. I usually leave mine in the mold until the next day.  This recipe will make about 6 bars.  For some reason, sometimes I get 5.5 bars and sometimes I get 6.  I guess it's just how full I fill them.

For selling and gifts, I wrapped them like a bar of soap with cellophane and label them.  But if I will not be selling or giving them away for a while, I let them air out.  The beeswax will have a slight scent to it and after the bars sit for a while the scent goes away and you can smell the essential or fragrance oil better.
To use the bar, rub between your hands to get it warm and then rub the bar on your arms or where ever you are wanting the lotion. The beeswax in the bars helps keep the lotion on your skin longer and seals in the oils.

I only use that double boiler and rubber spatula for lotion bars.  I don't like to reuse it for food.  I'm sure they could be cleaned and run through the dishwasher to get all the oils and beeswax off.  I just like to keep them separate.

I got my mold for the lotion bars from Amazon.  Below is what I bought.

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  1. How easy! My mom used to buy these all the time, but I think we will make them now!

    I would love for you to join my Link Up! :)

  2. Thanks! I will join the party!

  3. I love this idea! Thanks so much for stopping by Thrifty Thursday!!

  4. Thanks for coming by our page. I have really liked the lotion bars and are so easy to make.

  5. Your lotion bars look awesome and I can't wait to try them! I wanted to let you know that I co-host for Thrifty Thursday and I am featuring you tomorrow! I blog at and I can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow! Julia

  6. Thank you! I love the bars. Thank you for featuring us.

  7. Love this! I am featuring this post at Thrifty Thursday tomorrow! Hope you join us again!


  8. Wow. What a great post. I didn't think it would be so easy :) Thanks so much for sharing!
