Friday, April 5, 2013

Make a Memory Book

* This post is part of our April Top 5 {2013}. Check out the other top posts here.*

memory book

When Miss Magoo was born, I looked all over for a baby book. I was so excited to record everything about her-- I know, first child and all that. However, as time went on I found that I didn't really like her baby book. There was so much in it that I didn't really care to record: things like the bestselling books of the year, or how many pounds Daddy gained while Mommy was pregnant. And there wasn't enough room for the things I did want to record: the stories of things she did and said.
Finally, in exasperation, I grabbed a composition notebook and started jotting down the silly things she did, milestones she reached, etc.  And you know what? I love it!
Now, in anticipation of the new baby (I don't think I've mentioned on the blog, but we are having a girl!), I decided to make a new book for her, and to cover the books I already have for Miss Magoo and Little Man.
I have to thank my friend Devin for teaching me this awesome skill around a decade ago (dang, we're getting old!), and my mom for giving me the stories she wrote to my grandma about my sister and I when we were little.
These would also make a great way to document fun memories as a family, to use for a journal for a trip, or just as Christmas or Mother's Day presents.  They are cheap to make, especially if you pick up composition notebooks during the back-to-school sales. But even at full price (I just paid about $2.50 for the one for Baby Girl), this project comes in around $5 or less!

To make a Memory Book, you will need:
  • Composition Notebook
  • Scrapbook Paper- you can use card stock, but thinner scrapbook paper is easier to work with and works much better
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors
  • Embellishments (if desired)
1.  Pick out what scrapbook paper you want to use. This is surprisingly hard for me. I second guess myself, or find one piece of paper I love, but then can't find anything to go with it.  You will need one piece on the front, one for the back, one for the binding, and 2 for the insides. (5 pieces)

2.  Lay notebook down on the wrong side of the paper. Draw a line about 1 1/2 inches past the end of the book, and cut that chunk of paper off. Don't get crazy about making sure this is perfect- it doesn't really matter. Do this again for the back of the notebook.
memory book

3. Place your inside paper inside the cover of the notebook, and trace the shape of the notebook.
memory book
4. Cut just inside of your tracing, so the paper comes out slightly smaller than the actual cover. Set these pieces aside- they will be used last.
memory book

5. Glue your front and back pieces of paper to the front and back of the notebook, with the excess hanging over the open edges.

6. At the corners, make 4 cuts, first cutting straight out from the edges, and then cutting smaller pieces in between. Be sure not to cut out a piece on accident.
memory book

7. Glue each piece inward, pulling tight enough to make the edge somewhat smooth, but not enough to tear the paper.  You will end up with a layer in the corner.
memory book

8. Glue the top and bottom to the notebook, and then the side piece.
memory book

9. Repeat this for the other side of your notebook.

10. Cut a piece for your binding that is wide enough to go around the front and back, and overlapping the pieces that are already glued on a little bit.

11. Glue the binding on. Then make a wedge-shaped cut in the binding piece, with the point of the wedge where the notebook is bound.
memory book

12. Glue the binding pieces up.
13. Take the inside pieces, and see if they fit correctly. You may want to trim them a little bit, and that's much easier to do if they aren't already covered with glue (speaking from experience). If they fit well, glue them in place.
memory book

14. You may want to put a couple heavy books on top of the memory book for a while, just to make sure everything glues well. And if you want to add embellishments, feel free. Ribbons, pictures, pretties, whatever you can imagine. Otherwise, you're ready to start writing memories!

Here are the finished books:
(I have to make a confession first. I accidentally put the paper that Miss Magoo had chosen onto the notebook for Baby Girl. So she had to choose new paper, but she was a pretty good sport about it!)
memory book
memory book

memory book

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  3. What a great idea! I love all of them!! Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. Thanks, Kathy! The best part is all of the fun stories/memories I've been recording inside them. It will be so fun to hand them down to the kids when they grow up!

  5. Well you sure made that look simple! I love the idea and it's creative and fun! Congratulations on your sweet baby girl that is growing within! Thanks so much for linking up last week at Walking Redeemed!

  6. Great idea. Those pre-made books do often have a lot of space for useless info. I would love for you to come and share this on our weekly link party.

    Hope to see you there,

  7. Thanks for the invite, Jamie! I linked this up, and I look forward to taking part in your link parties!

  8. Thanks so much for linking up to Much Ado About Monday. We can't wait to see what you have in store for us next week!!

    Have a great weekend,
