Thursday, July 11, 2013

Blackberry Pancakes

Blackberry Pancakes

I told you last week in my Freezable Peach Pie Filling post, that I got to go pick a bunch a blackberries a few weeks ago.  You may have also see the picture of Jet covered in berry juice from helping me pick them that I shared on Twitter.
I couldn't seem to decide what to make with these and they sat in my fridge for several days.  I kept looking on Pinterest for recipes and almost every recipe I liked used blackberry jam which led me
to come up with my Thirty-Second Blackberry Jam.
I was all set to make one of those Pinterest recipes when Jamie mentioned on Facebook that they had chocolate chip pancakes for dinner.  Pancakes sounded so good!  So I decided to make Blackberry Pancakes.  I'm freezing the rest of the blackberries to try out one of those Pinterest recipes after vacation.

Blackberry Pancakes
adapted from Big Kitchen Instruction Book

1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1 cup milk (+ 1-3 Tablespoons as needed)
1/3 cup blackberries, chopped

Mix dry ingredients together and set aside.  Beat eggs slightly and beat in melted butter and milk. Blend egg mixture with flour mixture, but do not over beat.  If too thick, add additional milk. Fold in blackberries.
Cook in hot skillet over medium heat.  Ladle a little less than 1/4 cup for each pancakes and flip with bubbles start to form on sides.  These had a tendency to burn if not watched closely.
Serve with blackberry jam or syrup or both.  (Try them with Jamie's Homemade Creamy Maple Syrup)

Blackberry Jam Pancakes

What's your favorite kind of pancakes?

Follow us on Pinterest: Coffee With Us 3

Check out our link parties here.

Linking up at Weekend Potluck.


  1. That seriously looks delicious! We haven't really had berries yet this summer with the exception of some wild ones here and there. Thanks a bunch for linking up at Walking Redeemed and giving me a new recipe to try!

  2. Thanks for linking to Saturday Dishes.

    Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa
