Saturday, August 3, 2013

DIY Postcards

DIY Postcards

We are in Idaho on vacation. (In case you missed it in any of my last few posts). We are having such a great time and I thought it would be nice to send the kids grandparents and great-grandparents back home some postcards.
Did you know that you could send regular photos through the mail? My mom has been doing that for my kids for a long time. Every time she comes to visit she takes a lot of pictures and then sends them to the kids for the next several months. The kids love getting the pictures in the mail.
I thought I'd share some of the ones my kids made.

Kae's postcard:

DIY Postcards

DIY Postcards

Ry's postcard:

DIY Postcards

Drew's Postcard:

DIY Postcards

DIY Postcards

Hope you are having a great summer!

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  1. I had no idea you could send pictures! That's so cool! Thank you for the great suggestion :)
    Whitney @

  2. I had no idea you could send pictures! That's so cool! Thank you for the great suggestion :)
    Whitney @
