Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Liebster Award #2

We were nominated for the Liebster Award by Kristin Baird over at Kit's Crafts!  It was so nice of her to think of us and we thank her!

If you've been around here awhile, you may remember from before that this Award is to encourage small blogs and help others find new blogs!

Part of the rules are that you need to answer 11 questions asked by your nominator.  Here are those questions with our answers.

Questions for the Nominees:
1. What gets you up in the morning?
2. If you could only have 2 pairs of shoes, which would you choose?
Flip flops & Tennis shoes - Lucy
3. What is your favorite thing to make/bake/create?
Pretty much anything- I adore baking. But if I had to choose one thing, chocolate chip cookies, since they make my hubby so happy! -Jamie
4. What hobby are you unable to live without?
Candy Crush.
5. In three words, describe yourself. Untrendy, nerdy, believer - Kerry
6. Where is the one place in the world you have never been but always wanted to go?
Italy - Lucy
7. Are you a person that always needs a project or always looking to relax?
I love a good project, but unfortunately I'm more of a starter than a finisher. -Jamie
8. If you could live in any building in the world, where would you live?
Leaning Tower of Pisa - Kerry 9. Why did you start blogging?
I thought it would be a fun way to share the things going on in my life and give me a chance to meet new people. -Jamie
10. What is your greatest motivator (chocolate cake, travel, clean home, etc.)?
God - Kerry 11. If you could pick one phase of your life and live there forever (childhood, teenager, college,etc.), which would it be?
College, it was a lot of fun -Lucy

To see who we nominated, the rest of the rules, and 11 random facts about us, go here.

Your Coffee Girls, 
Jamie, Lucy & Kerry

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