Friday, September 20, 2013

Who Does She Look Like?

I find it somewhat humorous that from the moment a baby is born, everyone is trying to decide who she looks like. She comes out all scrunched up, oddly colored and yet we're sure we see Great Aunt Bertha in her features. And in a week she'll look so different.

Baby Girl looked so much like Miss Magoo when she was born. The two of them have the exact same "stork bites" on one eye, above the mouth, and on the back of the neck. So maybe that's why there was such a resemblance at the beginning.

Now, Baby Girl is giving us grumpy looks that look so much like Little Man. I remember he was so expressive at such a young age, and Baby Girl is the same.
Dan swears he sees a lot of his grandma when Baby Girl gets to hollering.

But honestly, I know it's all going to change so much. I look at the pictures of the other two when they were babies- even when they were closer to a year old- and they don't look anything like they do now.  And I look at pictures of myself or Dan from when we were 8 or 9, and it doesn't look like the adult version of us.

It got me to thinking about who people see when they look at me. Do they see a selfish mama who would rather play Candy Crush than clean the house? Do they see a mama who feels passionately about homeschooling, but is so tired that it takes Miss Magoo's begging to make me teach her?
I hope that people see some resemblance to my Father when they look at me. But I know that just like Baby Girl, I'm growing more and more each day into who He has designed me to be. Right now, the resemblance might be small, but I pray that each day those around me see a little more of Jesus in me, and a little bit less of me.

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  1. Jamie, I love reading your posts; you are so eloquent. Rest assured, it shows dramatically who your Father is. It resounds in what I see of your marriage, your kidlets; your compassion for others, your humor, hey, even your art. Yup, you're gettin' there girlfriend. Being a tired mommy is much more normal that the super-woman the world presents as the ideal. Don't're only IN the world.

  2. Jan, you are such a great encourager! Thanks for such a sweet comment!
