Monday, May 27, 2013

Granola Bites, or the Muffin Man

This post is part of our June Top 5! Check out the rest of the best here

granola bites

I have been seeing a lot of different recipes for energy bites, granola bites, or whatever you'd like to call them, circulating on Pinterest. I'm kind of a skeptical person when it comes to someone saying a recipe is super easy and it's good and it's good for you. But I finally broke down and tried making these.

My kids love them. I love them. My husband loves them. I'm excited to have found something yummy that will fit in the cookie category for this summer, but without heating the house up so much by baking.

It was so funny, when I got them out to share with the kids, Miss Magoo was excited to try the Granola Bites. Little Man took one look at them and said, "The Muffin Man!" I have no idea why, but that's what he has named them. He will go to the fridge and ask me for the Muffin Man, and start giggling at how funny he is!

I looked at several different recipes, and put them together using the ingredients I had on hand.
So, because I like to give credit where it's due, here are the recipes I looked at:
Granola Bar Bites
Raw Cookie Dough Bites
No-Bake Energy Bites

The Granola Bar Bites and the No-Bake Energy Bites were basically the same recipe. The Raw Cookie Dough Bites sounded good, although a bit more work, but they contain agave, and after a lot of the information I've read about agave I've chosen to steer clear of it.
So here's what I came up with:

Granola Bites
1 cup old-fashioned oats (or you can use quick oats-- I just figured since I was blending them it wouldn't matter)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup flax seed
1 cup coconut
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup chocolate chips (the other recipes call for mini chocolate chips, but I used regular and thought they turned out fine)
  1. Measure oats, salt, cinnamon, and flax seed in a food processor. Pulse until combined. (If you don't have a food processor, just mix the ingredients together in a bowl-- I just used the food processor because I wanted these to turn out less chunky.)
  2. Add coconut, peanut butter, and honey, and mix well. Stir in chocolate chips.
  3. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then roll into small balls (I used a small ice cream scoop, then rolled them between my palms).
  4. Store in the fridge in an air-tight container for up to a week.
I can't wait to try these again- they were really good. I'm thinking I might try using Craisins or chopped dried fruit in place of the chocolate chips to make them even healthier. These seem like you could change up a lot of the ingredients to make them more of what you and your family like- and I love changing recipes up!

Have you tried making any of these types of recipes? If so, what have you found that was good, and what have you changed in the recipes?

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  1. So glad you liked the recipe. Thanks for linking to me.

  2. I have wanted to try a recipe like these, this one does seem easy and I would have most, if not all on hand :)

  3. These sound so yummy! I know my family would love them!

  4. Stacey and Jeni, I hope you will try these and let me know what you think! I'm getting ready to make another batch today, my family loves them so much!

  5. I've made a variation of these and they're great! I love no bake in the summer, too..

  6. These sound great! Thanks for linking up at Tried and True Recipe party!

  7. These look SO good! Thanks so much for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." I am featuring this recipe this week! Congratulations! :-) :-) Be sure to stop by and grab an "I've been featured" button from my sidebar for your blog. The post should go live around 11pm Eastern on Monday evening. I hope you will be able to link up again this week. :-)

  8. Jackie, we love linking up with you! Thanks for hosting!
    Lisa, I'm so honored to be featured!!! Grabbing a button right now! Thank you!

  9. Those sound really good! I saw your recipe over at Try a New Recipe Tuesday.
    I would love for you to stop by and share at Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen, my weekly kid-friendly recipe linky.
    Have a great day!

  10. thanks for trying this! i like the craisins idea! will have to give it a try :)

  11. These sound amazing! Adding to my list to try out! Thanks!

  12. I share the same skepticism - good for you rarely = good. I can't wait to try these!! And adding Craisins is genius. Thanks for linking up!!

  13. Thanks you guys! Jessica, it's just too true that usually things that are good for you taste "good for you" not yummy. Thankfully these are actually yummy! My 3 year old daughter and I just made some again a couple days ago, since she'd been begging me for more!

  14. These sound amazing, Jamie!! Love this recipe!

    ~Jen @ Yummy Healthy Easy
