Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pepperoni & Chicken Stromboli

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Now on to today's post:

Stromboli with dip

The other day my friend Joyce gave me a stack of recipes from magazines or her collection to try. (Remember, I mentioned in my Breakfast Tacos post that "the other day" in Texas means anytime in the past!)
One of the recipes, you gave me was for Chicken with Pepperoni Sauce from WebMD the Magazine. While I haven't tried it yet, I couldn't get the combination of chicken and pepperoni out of my head.  I've wanted to try making a Stromboli for awhile now and I thought why not try the chicken & pepperoni together in a Stromboli.
I am so glad I did. It was wonderful!  My hubs, who loves Stromboli, thought it was really good too.  And the kids ate it up, well except Ry who decides whether she likes a food just based on the look of it!

Pepperoni & Chicken Stromboli
Olive oil (I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil).
1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into small bite sized pieces
crust for one large pizza (I used a store bought thin crust, but next time I may use a thicker one.)
1/2 to 1 cup pizza sauce, divided
1/2 bell pepper, sliced
1/4 - 1/2 onion, sliced
1/4 cup olives, sliced
Any other veggies you normally eat on pizza
40(ish) pepperoni slices
6 slices cheese (whatever you like, I used colby jack because that's my kids favorite but mozzarella would be good and more traditional)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees (or whatever temperature your crust calls for) and spray cookie (baking) sheets with non-stick spray.
Cook chicken in a skillet with olive oil (or other oil).
Lay out your pizza crust (I laid mine on foil, sprayed with cooking spray so it would be easier to transfer. Parchment paper would work too.)
Spread with a very thin layer of pizza sauce leaving a little bit of an edge. Add chicken, top with peppers, onion, and olives. Add a layer of pepperoni over everything.

Pepperoni & Vegetables

Add your slices of cheese covering the pepperoni.
Roll up your crust starting with one of the long ends.  Transfer to baking sheet making sure the seam is down.  Cut several slits in the crust.

Stromboli Crust

Bake 8-10 minutes or until crust is golden brown. (If you use a thicker crust you will have to bake it longer.)
Meanwhile warm up remaining pizza sauce to use for dipping.
Slice and enjoy!

Pepperoni Chicken Stromboli

Have you ever made Stromboli or enjoy eating it? If so, what kind is your favorite?

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  1. That looks yummy! I'm going to have to try it with a gluten free pizza crust. Thank you for posting!!

  2. Yum! I love everything pizza related:)

  3. I love me some pizza too just not dealing with crust. We have issues. Would love to know how it went, Whitney.
