Friday, May 10, 2013

"Magic" Paint

* This post in part of May Top 5. Check out the rest here. *

This may seem like a really silly idea, and I admit that I was skeptical when my sister told me to try this, but the kids actually love it!
"Magic" paint is simple to put together, super cheap, and yet it somehow occupies kids for quite some time (my kids played for almost 2 hours!).
What you need:
  • Water and small containers to put it in
  • Cheap paint brushes
Yep, that's it. There is actually no paint involved, just water. The "paint" is magical, because it disappears! Seriously, my kids got a kick out of painting all over the sidewalk, and then watching it disappear. They also got to paint our porch, the house, and basically anything they wanted, so I think they were excited to have so few restrictions compared with normal painting.

You will definitely want to use cheap paint brushes, though, since the concrete (and whatever else they paint) is a bit rough on the brushes. I found a 5 pack of metal handled paint brushes at the dollar store, so that's what the kids will be allowed to use for outdoor painting.
I wish I could get the video to load, but Little Man was SO cute painting! He went and got Meow-Meow (his stuffed cat), and was making Meow-Meow hold the paint brush, dip it in water, and paint. He had such a blast!
Miss Magoo found out that if you paint on chalk and then use the chalk on the porch, it makes an amazing paste that is very colorful. So I have a beautifully bright and colorful porch right now!
Do you have any simple games or crafts that keep your kids occupied for long periods of time?

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Also featured by Mom's Library on iGameMom.

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  1. Great Ideal! Wish I had thought of it! No more little ones around to use it on but, they are all old enough to paint for real. I will pass it along to the next generation.

  2. Thanks, Jean! I was so glad my sister gave me the idea- cheap and easy, and it didn't matter if the kids spilled the "paint" on their clothes :)

  3. This looks so fun. I'm sure part of the fun is just calling it "magic." Still, I remember painting my fence with water as a child and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

  4. Very cool idea. I am featuring this on Mom's Library on iGameMom. Thanks for sharing.
