Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stovetop Popcorn with Coconut Oil and Sea Salt

Stovetop Popcorn

I grew up making popcorn in an air popper. I still have one. It's really only used anymore when I make caramel corn. I don't like butter or salt on my caramel popcorn. We also eat microwave popcorn. I struggle with natural vs. convenient. I know microwave popcorn uses phosphate to make them pop. I'm sure that can't be good for you. But they are so easy. And to be honest, I've only made popcorn on the stove a couple times.

While I was in Denver, we made popcorn on the stove to make caramel corn with. A friend was there and asked if I made popcorn with coconut oil and sea salt. I hadn't, but that idea stuck with me. This week I was craving something salty, but I've really been trying to be better about my eating habits. I've gained quite a bit of weight in the last few years due to medical problems. I want to get it off! (I say that as I sit here eating cookies.)

So I decided to make me some popcorn. Coconut oil is something I've been using for a while. I use it as a moisturizer in the shower, and I also use it in cooking. It's pretty easy to substitute olive or vegetable oil with coconut oil. After making the popcorn, I couldn't even tell it didn't have butter.

Stovetop Popcorn with Coconut Oil and Sea Salt

1 - 6 quart pot with lid
1/4 cup coconut oil, refined
1 cup popcorn kernels
sea salt

Add coconut oil to pot, turn on medium and allow to melt.

Coconut Oil

Add popcorn to pot with some sea salt (I didn't measure, just what I thought looked good. You can always add more afterward.)

Unpopped Popcorn

Wait for the first kernel to pop and then cover quickly. Begin shaking the pan over the heat. It will take some time for the kernel to pop and then it takes a bit for them to stop popping. Keep shaking the pot until the popping slows to 1 pop every 3 - 4 seconds. Remove from heat.

Stovetop Popcorn

Pour in a bowl and add more salt if you would like.

It is really that simple! And again, I didn't miss the butter. The Hardworking Husband didn't either and he's usually the one who wants lots of butter. I now must go buy more popcorn and stop eating these cookies.

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Linking up at Weekend Potluck.

1 comment:

  1. That looks good! I haven't tried my hand at stovetop popcorn, but my mother used to do this as a treat when we were small. I'll have to try it!
