Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Basil Pesto

Even though I'm only about 3/4 unpacked, I've decided to take a trip with my mom to Denver to visit our good friends. We won't be able to go again until spring because of the snow. So off we go. I can finish unpacking while its snowing.

As I prepared to go and leave the Hardworking Husband behind, I needed to work on the plants a little. The basil was well beyond needing to be harvested. So I took the scissors to it. I decided since I didn't have a lot of time I would just make pesto and freeze it. It's a great way to use up basil and have it during the winter. I don't know if you know this, but pesto is expensive to buy in the store, but pretty cheap to make if you grow your own basil.

Basil Pesto by Coffee With Us 3 #recipes #freezing

Basil Pesto

2 cups loosely packed basil leaves (stems off)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 cloves garlic
1/3 cup nuts (pine, almonds, walnuts or pecan)
1/2 cup oil (a little less if you want it thicker)
Salt to taste

Wash basil and pat dry. Put basil, cheese, garlic, & nuts in food processor. I mince my garlic before I add it just so there is no big clump of garlic. Turn on and combine ingredients. Drizzle in oil. My food processor has a little hole in the lid for drizzling oil. If yours doesn't, just drizzle through the feed tube. Once all oil is combined, scrape down sides and mix for a little longer. Remove lid and blade. Scrape out the pesto into a bowl, cover and refrigerate for later use. Or pour into ice cube tray and freeze for a few hours. Then remove and put into a ziplock bag and back into the freezer. It's a great way to have basil on hand without it going bad.

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Linking up at Weekend Potluck


  1. Kerry, Love this idea of freezing the pesto in the ice cube trays for later use. I always make my own, but never thought of this. I'm your neighbor on What I'm Eating.


  2. This is wonderful! Thanks! We have a lot of basil still growing in our garden and will definitely use this recipe. Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." I hope you will be able to join us again this week. http://our4kiddos.blogspot.com/2013/09/try-new-recipe-tuesday-september-10.html
