Monday, September 2, 2013

Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix

Kerry gave me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread a while back. After making it a couple times, I had a crisis one day.
I had mixed together all of my ingredients up to the point where it called for instant pudding. I opened the cupboard and... there was no instant pudding. Ugh.
Little Man was napping, so running to the store was out of the question and I knew the bread would probably turn out terribly if I waited until he woke up, ran to the store, and then tried to bake it.
So I did what any modern girl would do ;)  I went to the internet.
I found an awesome recipe for instant pudding, and I've actually been more impressed with how my bread has turned out since I've been using this mix in place of packaged instant pudding. Not to mention it doesn't have all the preservatives, PLUS it's much cheaper.

instant pudding

Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix
3 cups dry milk
4 cups sugar
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. salt
3 cups cornstarch
5 tsp. vanilla extract

  1. Mix dry ingredients together, then stir in the vanilla extract. (This turned out a bit clumpy, so I think if I made it again I would put it in the food processor to combine. But even though it's lumpy, it works fine in the bread recipe.)
  2. Store in an air tight container. (Needs to be big enough to fit a bit more than 10 cups of the mix.)
  3. Use 1/2 cup of mix in place of a large box (5 oz) of instant pudding in recipes, or 1/4 cup of mix in place of a small box (3-4 oz).
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    1. Oh goodness, this is so perfect! I always go right past any recipes I see that use instant mixes, but it's great to see I have a homemade alternative. Pinned!

    2. I am so glad to see a homemade pudding recipe. I, too, do not want my children to have all of those artificial ingredients. Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." I hope you will be able to join us again this week.

    3. that's a great idea. I wonder if I could use Splenda in it.
