Thursday, March 14, 2013

Confetti Eggs

Easter Confetti Eggs

My mom has been making these confetti eggs or cascarones for years. Each year she brings or sends us a few dozen of these to us. We always take them to the Easter egg hunt on the other side of the family. They get hidden along with all the other eggs (real and plastic). So while all the hunters (from babies to mid 30s) are hunting there is the fun of throwing and cracking confetti eggs on all your cousins, brothers, sisters, and in-laws (and even sometimes your aunts, parents and grandparents).

So this year, I asked mom to teach me how to make them.

What you'll need:
egg shells
food coloring and vinegar (optional)
crepe paper (spring colors or whatever you have at hand)
Elmer's glue
markers (or you can paint them but since my kids are little we only use markers)

You need to crack your eggs close to the top of one end. My mom uses a butter knife and then uses that knife to help clean out the egg under running water. (I need more practice at this part.)
Egg top cracked

If you want your eggs colored. Boil a large pot of water and add vinegar (about 1/4 cup) and a generous amount of food coloring. Let them sit for awhile. Let them dry on food skewers in a glass. 
dyed confetti eggs

While your eggs are drying (if you colored them), cut your confetti out of crepe paper. Cut your lids out of crepe paper too, oval shape work best. Fill the eggs about half full and glue your lids on. 
How-to confetti eggs
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I let my kids help a little with the stuffing but they love decorating the eggs with markers after 
they are stuffed and lidded. 

Kids Confetti Eggs

These are completely biodegradable unlike a lot of the ones you can buy at the store especially those with glitter. So you don't have to worry about cleaning up your yard afterwards. What fun things do you do at Easter?

Check out our link parties here.

Winner #1 of Lucy's 30 Birthday Party is Shelley W. Congrats you have won a $10.00 gift card to Amazon. Please contact us at by midnight on Monday. If you aren't the winner this time don't worry there will be 2 more today and more coming soon!


  1. These look like great fun! We don't have any little ones in the family now but all the grown ups would get a kick out of this.

  2. I love these! We get them every year, but I've tried to make them myself! Looks like so much fun to make. Thanks for sharing your awesome tutorial!

  3. @Ann My kids loves these but I think the adults like them even more.
    @Nikki your welcome! If you try it out let me know how it goes!

  4. These looks so fun! I love them. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent this week! So thrilled to have you share with us. Hope to see you again tonight at the new party. Have a wonderful weekend! New follower, too! :)


  5. This has been my favorite blog post so far! I loved doing the confetti eggs with my girls, and they had a blast doing them! We'll definitely make them again next year!

  6. So glad you enjoyed making them Shannon. It is such a fun tradition.
