Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's a Jungle in Here + Park Challenge Update

We are on our way to Idaho! I am so excited to be going home.  I haven't been home since Ry was a baby. I'm sure I'll have lots of fun stuff to share from our trip soon but first I thought I'd share a little of what we were doing before we left. 

Last week we did Vacation Bible School at my church, we did Lifeway's Jungle Jaunt.  I thought I would share some of our decorations pictures.  You know in case you ever need a Jungle in your house.

Green Nets Leaves

Entry way.  Green nets with leaves made from a tablecloth. 

Jungle Vines Waterfall

The stage with vines made from brown packing paper and fake leaves, trees, & waterfall.

Jungle Waterfall
Jet was tired of decorating
Close up of the waterfall.  It's made from plastic tablecloths with paper rocks on the side.

Tablecloth Vines Jungle

Our Missions Room.  The walls and ceiling were covered in different color green tablecloths with the ends shredded and fake leaves attached.  This room was cool to be in and pretty easy to put together.

Jungle Hut

Our Bible Study Hut.

You may remember, that the kids and I were trying to visit as many parks as we could before we left for Idaho.  We had fun visiting several parks and got to try out some new ones, but it just got too hot so we didn't make it to all of them.  
But we decided we would pick it up in the fall on our free Saturdays. I did get some fun pictures of the kids at some of the parks we did visit. 
Park Kids Collage

We are having a great summer!  Looking forward to more great summer moments in Idaho!
Hope you are all having a wonderful summer too.
Would love to hear about yours. Leave me a comment!

Follow us on Pinterest: Coffee With Us 3

Check out our link parties here.

Linking up at Tuesdays at our Home.

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