Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Roasted Potatoes

I have been a bit overwhelmed lately. I normally have all kinds of time to get done whatever I want. But lately, I have been crazy busy. I don't really care for this lifestyle. But with planning a retirement/60th birthday party for my mom, Lucy & kids coming to visit, supervising the replacement of all the drain pipes in a rental house I manage, a yard sale, a trip to Yellowstone, and trying to find a house to buy and subsequent moving, I feel as though I've lost my mind.

When things get crazy, I usually go to my tried and true, super easy recipes. One of those is roasted potatoes. They are super easy and can be done in the oven or on the grill. Tonight I'm trying to decide, do I heat up the house with the oven or do I get heat stroke while grilling. At this point the jury is still out. (Hopefully, we'll buy a house with central air and it won't be such a big decision.)

Roasted Potatoes

6-8 medium red potatoes
Olive oil
Seasoning (season salt, garlic powder, onion powder, or whatever your preference. I've been using roasted garlic, rosemary, & sea salt)

Preheat either oven to 425 or grill by turning on high for 15 minutes. (I went with the grill) Cut potatoes into large chunks. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle seasoning. Toss to coat.

This is the seasoning I use.  I get it at TJ Maxx
You will want to put more seasoning than you think is enough. Mine are usually under seasoned because I forget to be generous.

Chopped Potatoes

If roasting in the oven, spread the potatoes out on a sheet pan and place in the oven for about 20 minutes, turning once.

Potatoes on Foil

If grilling, using foil make a pocket and place the potatoes inside and seal. Place pocket on grill for about 30 minutes turning once.

Foil Pocket

Carefully remove from oven or grill and serve.

Roasted Potatoes

It's that easy!

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  1. Your blog post today made me think of a seasoning you may not know about but ought to try. Up at Del Monte's they sell Garlic Valley Farms Roasted Garlic Juice. It is KILLER good stuff. An 8 oz bottle costs about $5 and it lasts forever. It'd be really good for your spuds. In fact, I've done it. Also, spray it on a flour tortilla before putting on a hot skillet and besides making it yummy, it will crisp it up.

  2. Yum-roasted potatoes are the best! Thanks for sharing at the Tried and True recipe party,
